Sheep need Shepherds!
As I sit here on day #12 in Scottsdale, with my Bible on my lap, my coffee in my hand and an entire flock of birds I don't recognize chirping away in a nearby tree, the Lord gave me fresh eyes for an "age-old, memorized by many (including me), recited at both weddings and funerals" passage of scripture. He gave it to me in a unique biblical translation and spelled it out for me phrase by phrase so that my heart received it in a brand-new way. I'd love to show you what HE showed me and then offer my response to it.
Psalm 23:1 - Because the Lord is my shepherd, I have everything I need. And as my shepherd, here's what he does for me:
- He lets me rest in green pastures
- He leads me to calm water
- He gives me new strength
- He leads me onto paths that are right
Even if I have to walk through a dark valley (which I'm doing right now, for 23 months and counting...) I don't have to be afraid because...
- He is with me always
- He comforts me with a rod and a walking stick (the rod for correction and training, the walking stick for guidance)
- He prepares a meal for me right in front of my enemies
- He pours healing oil on my head
- He fills my cup so that it's overflowing
- He causes his goodness and love to be with me all of my life
- He promises I will live with him, in his house, forever.
Me without my Shepherd...
How's that for a fresh look at Psalm 23? And what immediately came to my mind is that my Shepherd does all these things for me, his dumb sheep (sheep ARE notoriously dumb, you know). And what's worse, BECAUSE I'm a dumb sheep, I'm constantly looking elsewhere for these things he does for me when Psalm 23 tells me that I have EVERYTHING I need from my Shepherd! At that moment, I threw my hands in the air and begged my Shepherd to hold on to me tight and not let me squirm out of his tender arms ('cause I'm always trying to escape from the sheepfold)!
Me with my Shepherd...
See the difference? STAY in the sheepfold, it's the only way to get all you need from the Shepherd.