oodles and oodles of notecards
A key cog in my devotional life with Christ is the 3x5 notecard. I use them in all shapes, sizes, formats and colors as a way of chronicling my life's events and keeping close to me key phrases, prayer requests and scripture verses. In fact, those who love me should know that, when I die, if you want the best of me, you'll ask for my notecards. They are literally as precious to me as my Bible because they hold all of the things I cherish most about the Bible and my life in Christ.
Below are a few examples of the many ways I use notecards...
I have a spiral-bound set of notecards that I use for scripture memory. I always have a set going for any Bible study I'm involved in (so I can capture the key thoughts of the study for easy reference). Key periods in life each get a set so that I have quick access to verses/thoughts that will strengthen and encourage my heart. I've assembled sets to keep track of character traits I'd like to emulate. My Bible study exchanges prayer requests on notecards (so does my husband's small group). I keep topical sets containing verses on various important subjects. My children each had a set for important Bible verses that I helped them compile. Presently I'm using a florissant yellow card (as shown in the photo) as a bookmark in my "one-year Bible." One side has a personalized Bible verse that I pray for my 17 year old son Spencer each day, the other side has a compilation of verses from 1 Timothy that pray daily for myself. I thought, as a way of getting you started, you might like to see an actual example:
- For my son (written in paragraph format): The Lord is faithful. He will establish Spencer and guard him against the evil one. And I have this confidence in the Lord about Spence, that he is doing and will do the things God commands. May the Lord direct his heart to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ. He who keeps Spencer will not slumber (2 Thessalonians 3:3-5 & Psalm 121:3).
- For myself (written in bullet points): 1 Timothy 1:12, 18-19; 2:11; 3:11, 8; 4:16 "I thank him who give me strength, Christ Jesus my Lord. ...That I may:
- wage good warfare
- hold fast to faith and be faithful in all things
- hold a good conscience (a clear conscience)
- learn quietly and with all submissiveness
- be dignified and sober-minded (dignified in conduct and speech; indicative of self-respect)
- not slander others
- be not double-tongued or addicted to much wine
- keep a close watch on myself and my teaching."
I'm due for a new set based on the next book I'll study over the summer. Why not start a set of your own today?