Recite the story of your Rescuer

Are you keenly aware of the story of your rescue? Here it is in a nutshell: Your father so loved you that he sent his son to rescue you from the punishment that was due you for your sins. These are the sins you committed when you were a child, the sins you committed before you became a believer, and the ones you've committed today. He has seen all your sin: your selfishness, anger, laziness and pride, and he has loved you. To rescue you, his son was sent from heaven, his home, to be born as a human baby, live a perfect life, suffer in shame and humiliation on Calvary, rise again after three days, and then ascend to the right hand of his Father, where he watches over and redeems every facet of your life. He has promised to use everything in your life for your good and his glory. This is the kind of watchful, fatherly love he has for you. He is the perfect parent, and his record of perfection has been transferred to you, if you have put your trust in him. He's a wonderful Father and you can rest in his everlasting arms right now. Amen?!